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Osteopathy for Singers

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Voice / Vocal Care

In addition to being an osteopath, Robert Kuizenga is also a professional classical singer. As an expert in the professional singing world, he knows precisely the challenges a singer can face. He is, therefore, the ideal healthcare provider to assist you with your vocal complaints or singing-related issues.

As a specialized osteopath, Robert treats many singers referred to him by voice teachers, ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) doctors, or speech therapists. Using a comprehensive biopsychosocial history, he maps out which factors have played a role in the development and persistence of the issues. Essential too is the physical examination, where he can identify the challenges they face. In this process, not only is the vocal region examined, but the entire body. Special attention is given to body posture, breathing, muscular compensations during singing, and functional disorders of all joints, especially those adjacent (like the neck region, jaw, neck, ribs, and spine). After all, you sing with your whole body. The treatment mainly consists of mobilizing less mobile regions (including laryngeal manual therapy) and exercises focusing on stability and mobility.

In my practice, I work closely with an ENT doctor, voice teacher, speech therapist, breathing coach, psychologist, osteopath, posture therapist, acupuncturist, and holistic doctor. Depending on the singer's complaints, I often recommend one or several of my colleagues, with me frequently acting as the case manager.

Interested? You can schedule an appointment here (please note in the appointment comments that you're coming for vocal care). For more information, you can send an email to

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